Mr.Coffee Cafe Barista Premium Espresso/Cappuccino System review

Mr.Coffee Cafe BaristaFor those who know the difference, coffee is not just a drink. It’s a lifestyle, a little thing that helps to begin or finish the day.

If you are keen about how to brew coffeehouse-style drinks at home than Cafe Barista Premium System (ECMP 1000) by Mr.Coffee was designed for you.

True espresso lovers desiring to brew invigorating beverage at home won’t be disappointed in purchasing Mr.Coffee coffee machine because it has several very convincing advantages.
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Capsule coffee making system review

single-serve coffeeIf you already feel that usual instant coffee is not a drink that you want to sip in the morning or during the day, then changes will come in your life soon: you’ll find a way to make your everyday coffee better, more intense, more invigorating. What does it mean? It means that you’ll buy a coffee machine soon, and there is a great likelihood that your first purchase will be single-serve (or capsule, or pod) coffee brewing system.

Why? Well, let’s look a bit closer, and find out every pro and con of these modern coffee brewing machines.
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Quick and easy Caffè Americano recipes

What is a Caffè Americano?

coffee_beanThe Caffè Americano is one of the most popular beverages today. It is believed that the hot version of this drink was created by soldiers during World War II when they consumed espresso shots by mixing them with water to keep them alert and awake. Whether you are suffering from a deadly hangover or daily hassles of life, a shot of this coffee will make you feel upbeat and spirited.

What is a Caffè Americano and how is it made?

Caffè Americano is a drink made from espresso shots and hot water. While the classic recipe involves, adding espresso shots and hot water in equal amounts, one can strengthen the flavor by adding as many espresso shots as one likes. Though Caffè Americano tastes much different, its strength is similar to that of filter coffee.
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Nespresso Pixie C60 Espresso Maker review

Few words of Pixie

61pnkikp6sl-_sl1333_If you consider yourself as a true coffee lover then you must know about the Nespresso Pixie series of coffee makers ― those small masterpieces for home coffee brewing.

Coffee machines of the Pixie collection are regarded as ones of the smallest in the world. They combine a brand-new design with a great functionality. Rather low price (less than $120 ) made them one of the most desirable coffee makers for the small households, kitchens, offices and dining rooms.

Well, why not?
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